He's never quite sure about this swing...one of us always has to sit here with him.
When I was pregnant I never imagined that a little person could impact your daily schedule so much. I had no idea that someone so smal would dictate my every move. Yesterday, Tyler and I wanted to run errands. We decided that we needed a few groceries, something from radio shack, and I wanted to make a quick trip to Target. We started getting ready at 10 am and I assumed we would be leaving at 11am. We showered, ate breakfast, fed Zander, and got the diaper bag ready. I looked at the clock again and it was 2pm. Holy crap where did my day go. Long gone are the days of getting myself ready in 45 minutes and running out the door. I think right now I am grieving that loss. Don't get me wrong, I love my little boy and am so happy he is here but I have had 30 years of alone time and got use to it. It is a big change to have to look after someone 24/7. Its an exciting time but also a scary time that noone can truly prepare you for. I have never worried about someone so much and been so thankful for someone in my life. I have a whole new respect for my parents now.
I have also discovered a new love for my husband. I have always loved Tyler but the connection that I feel to him and our little boy has made the love I feel for him much deeper. I look at Tyler in a whole new light. We are connected on a different level now. Each time I see him with Zander I fall more in love with him.
My friend Hailey wrote in her last post that she struggles with wanting her little girl here or staying pregnant so she can keep her safe. I completely know what you mean Hailey! I'm so happy to have my little boy here but life was much easier when he was safe and tucked away under my complete protection. It is hard to let go of the fear of keeping him completely safe. However, life was not as exciting. The day that Zander was born I felt reborn. Everything is new to him and I get to experience that too. My sister in-law says having a new born is baptism by fire. I know what she means now. I have said it once in this post and I will say it again, Noone can prepare you for having a newborn. It is the most incredible experience and life changing event you can experience.
I feel so lucky. Isn't Life Grand.